Mediation Services

What is Mediation

Mediation is a confidential, voluntary process that helps participants discuss their differences and develop a solution that is acceptable to all. The mediator is neutral and helps everyone to communicate, be heard, and negotiate respectfully. The mediator will not take sides, make decisions, or provide legal advice.


Divorce Mediation

Divorce mediation allows spouses to develop a workable solution without involving the courts. Collaborative discussions are facilitated regarding parenting, finances, and other issues important to the couple. Depending on the outcome, we develop a memorandum of understanding to memorialize the agreement reached by the couple during the mediation sessions. The memorandum of understanding is provided to a drafting attorney who prepares and files the legal documents necessary to divorce. We can recommend the drafting attorney, or the couple can bring their preferred attorney into the process.


Resolving other Disputes

BST’s expertise in financial forensic services makes us a great resource for divorce mediation and the mediation of other disputes involving finances and monetary sums, such as small claims, partnership or shareholder disputes, contract disputes/breach of contract, breach of fiduciary responsibility, lease disputes, property or economic damages (lost profits, lost earnings, intellectual property infringement, insurance claims), etc.

We provide private space for in-person or virtual meetings where you can discuss confidential and difficult matters with others along with a mediator. Our goal is to help you constructively resolve issues and reach an agreement.


If you would like to explore if mediation is the right approach for you, please contact BST.

Mediation Discussion