Marketing Strategy Process

Group of entreprenuers meeting with marketing strategist planning marketing campaign.

CMO for Hire becomes part of your leadership team to guide you through your marketing planning process. Together, we follow a six-phase process:

Phase 1 Discovery

Explore the existing business and brand. This includes review of strategic plan, marketing plan, marketing and PR initiatives, collateral; interview with key stakeholders; client survey/interviews, and analysis of competition.

Phase 2 Assessment and Key Findings

Report of existing conditions and performance;
identify areas for improvement and opportunities for growth and development.

Phase 3 Strategy and Recommendations

Engage in big picture thinking to reveal your vision, identify key areas of focus, and develop specific goals and action plans, conduct market research and uncover opportunities.

Phase 4 Marketing and Business Development Plan

Develop tactical plans with budget, schedule and key performance indices (KPI). This may include developing brand message, visual identity, new collateral, website, PR and communications tactics.

Phase 5 Implementation

Direct and coach marketing staff and or consultants to carry out tactics plan.

Phase 6 Evaluation

Measure and communicate results. This includes regular milestone evaluations to determine if intended results are achieved or if change in tactics and approach is recommended.